Highest Quality Products
Hypnotherapy at home
with Self Hypnosis
Why spend hundreds of dollars per hypnotherapy session when you can begin changing your life in the comfort of your own home with professional clinical hypnotherapists.
- Addictions
- Alcohol Addiction
- Staying Free of Alcohol
- Drug Addiction (Recreational)
- Drug Addiction (Hard Drugs)
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Staying Free from Drugs
- Fizzy Drink Addiction
- Sex Addiction
- Stop Gambling
- Stop Smoking Now!
- Creative Relaxation
- Dolphin Visions
- The Magical Forest
- Tropical Paradise
- Education & Learning
- Exam Success
- Increase Brain Power
- Learn and Grow
- Learn and Recall
- Speed Reading
- Studying Success
- Test Anxiety
- Language Learning
- Driving Test Nerves
- Healthy Mind
- Anxiety (S7 Series)
- Depression (S7 Series)
- Anxiety Release
- Control Your OCD
- Control Your OCD (Intrusive Thoughts)
- Emotional Calm
- Overcome Depression
- Overcome Grief
- Overcome Guilt
- Overcome Panic Attacks
- Rapid Stress Relief
- Social Anxiety
- Stop Worrying
- Stress Management
- Personal Development
- Financial Abundance
- Find Happiness
- Get Rid of Emotional Baggage
- Increase Energy & Vitality
- Increase Self Motivation
- Magnificent Memory
- Money Management
- No More Road Rage
- Overcome Perfectionism
- Overcome Procrastination
- Overcome the Fear of Success
- Overcome Technophobia
- Positive Thinking
- Personal Time Management
- Physical Health
- Arthritis Pain Relief
- Asthma Relief
- Better Bladder Control
- Boost Health & Wellbeing
- Blood Pressure Management
- Drink Less Alcohol
- Healthy Clear Skin
- IBS Management
- Immune Tune
- Manage Excessive Sweating
- Migraine Relief
- Mind Body Healing
- Pain Management
- Preparation for Surgery
- Rapid Healing Post-Surgery
- Turn Down Tinnitus
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Enjoy Intimate Sex
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Premature Ejaculation
- Increase Your Sex Drive
- Sexual Satisfaction
- The Sexual Male
- Ultimate Orgasm
- Sports Hypnosis
- Peak Performance
- Modeling Excellence
- A Winners Mindset
- Dynamic Darts
- Endurance Running
- Fantastic Football (Soccer)
- Great Golf
- Hypnotic Bodybuilding
- Iron-Mind Triathlon
- Pool Perfection
- Super Snooker
- Terrific Tennis
- Chess Success
- Perfect Poker

Now you can choose professionally produced recordings to enhance your life through hypnotherapy … make personal change your new reality.
With over 175 unique self hypnosis audio programs, you can be confident of this genuine and honest approach to hypnotherapy with recordings for every topic.
The Best Professional Hypnotherapists
All of our self hypnosis recordings are presented by leading professional hypnotherapists, together with over 75 years of experience.
Superior Sound Quality
Each and every one of our self hypnosis audio recordings is produced to the highest recording standard. We use state of the art studio equipment to ensure you receive maximum benefit.
In the past 16 years, over 100,000 people from all over the world have used these self hypnosis recordings.